To strip away legal services for them while claiming to care about the safety of children is inhumane
The US government is violating legal protections for immigrant children and forcing them to fight their immigration cases alone,
The unique needs of children require the administration to ensure a level of care that takes into account their vulnerability while it determines whether they need long-term protection in the United States,
To be successful in its goals, the government must partner with legal service providers and the vast network of private sector pro bono partners who provide millions of dollars in free legal services to ensure children understand the process and can share their reasons for seeking safety in the United States. Then the government can decide with confidence who needs protection and who can safely return to their country of origin,
Children cannot be expected to navigate the harsh and complicated immigration legal system without an attorney,
The critical legal programs eliminated today have longstanding bipartisan support from Congress, not only because they protect children from danger, but because they also improve efficiencies in the immigration system by ensuring legal counsel for unaccompanied children who otherwise must navigate a complex court proceeding alone,
It’s extremely concerning because it’s leaving these kids without really important support,
We’re trying to pull every lever but we have to be prepared for the worst, which is children going to court without attorneys all over the country. This is a complete collapse of the system,