As conveyed by (Indonesia's founding father) Mohammad Hatta 'rowing between two reefs,' what President Prabowo did was fully side with national interests and not side with one of the global political power blocks,
Joining BRICS allows Indonesia to get more investors in countries whose economies have grown significantly in recent years,
Joining BRICS is a strategic step as well as the right policy so Indonesia's position is increasingly strong and is taken into account by both the United States and Western European alliance countries, and also by the countries that are members of BRICS,
If we talk about the economic proportion of BRICS countries, there has been a significant increase from 1995, which was only 17 percent, to more than 30 percent in 2022,
One of the funding we need right now is to finance the transition to renewable energy. There is also an opportunity for transfer of knowledge from BRICS countries' specializations such as digitalization in India and technology in China,
This is an opportunity to get an alternative market while increasing bargaining position amidst the escalating China and US trade war,
We can utilize BRICS members for our markets such as India and China; they have large populations with large potential,
We have reiterated several times that BRICS is an important platform for Indonesia to strengthen South-South cooperation and ensure that the voices and aspirations of Global South countries are well-represented in global decision-making processes,
Forging mutually beneficial partnerships with other Southeast Asian nations will not only strengthen the region's non-aligned position in an increasingly uncertain geopolitical order, but will also bolster Indonesia's status as an ASEAN leader as well as its multilateral credentials at a time when the United States is veering towards unilateralism,
Indonesia does not intend to break away from the West either slowly or immediately,
If Indonesia can maintain its non-aligned position and influence the BRICS agenda with its inclusive view not to exclude or negate the West, I think it [membership] might not have much impact for our relations with the West,
In Indonesia's foreign policy DNA, all are friends as stated by [President Subianto] Prabowo as well,
As a middle power, being a member of BRICS gives Indonesia leverage in the global order,
With Indonesia joining the bloc, BRICS has now become an even more inclusive and representative forum. It covers nearly half of the world’s population and makes significant contributions to the global economy,
Indonesia viewed its BRICS membership as a strategic step to enhance collaboration and cooperation with developing countries with the principles of equality, mutual respect, and sustainable development,
Indonesia is ready to participate constructively in various BRICS initiatives for the interest of the global community,
As a country with an ever-growing and diverse economy, Indonesia is committed to actively contributing to the BRICS agenda on economic resilience, technology cooperation, and sustainable development,
The Brazilian government welcomes Indonesia’s entry into the BRICS,
We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy,
Indonesia shares with other BRICS members the support for the reform of global governance institutions and contributes positively to deepening cooperation in the Global South, priorities that align with Brazil's theme for its presidency,