For an older person like Pope Francis, with all the added complications... you have to wait even longer for a complete recovery,
In the morning, after receiving the Eucharist, he resumed work activities,
The whole world is praying for you... and everyone wishes you good health,
Let our prayer be that breath of fresh air that reaches his lungs so that he can recover his health,
The Holy Father’s condition remains critical, but stable. No acute respiratory episodes have occurred and the hemodynamic parameters continue to be stable,
We heard that he is in the hospital right now and we are very worried about his health,
The pope has always said that the papacy is for life, and he has shown that there is no problem with a frail and elderly pope,
I could be wrong, but I hope not,
The old saying is that the pope's never sick until he's dead,
The Vatican has finally learned that it is better to be forthcoming than to let conspiracy theorists fill the void,
I've been cautiously impressed,
Considering the complexity of the clinical picture," his doctors have declined to "decide on the prognosis,
But we do want him to get well if that's possible,
I's not time for him to go to heaven yet."
He is aware that he has a mission he must carry out, and nothing stops him. The pope explained that he did not accept his election (as pontiff) in order to rest,
The complexity of the clinical situation and the necessary time for the pharmacological treatments to show results require that the prognosis remain guarded,
We understand that this oversight had caused frustration, confusion, distress and even outrage [among] our followers and the Roman Catholic community, with that we are very sorry,
Some even misuse the Vatican News logo to deceive people,
We are very sorry. Pope Francis is a good pope, let’s hope that he makes it. Let us hope,
We all must die. There is no eternal earthly life. The pope has a special task, but he is a man like all men".