I want my closing statement to be one of love and a calling to my fellow Christians to help us end the death penalty.”
The Bible tells you, I know it says ‘an eye for an eye’ and ‘a tooth for a tooth’ but if you read on down in there it says, ‘Revenge is not mine, says the Lord, revenge is God’s.”
It is unfathomable that, in 2025, South Carolina would execute one of its citizens in this bloody spectacle.”
He’s just trying to prolong something that should have been done 20 years ago.”
We are now under God's grace and mercy."
The white target with the red bullseye that had been on his chest, standing out against his black prison jumpsuit, disappeared instantly as Sigmon’s whole body flinched."
Then we left through the same door we came in."
He never tried to shy away from the harm he caused and used his time in prison to develop his faith, becoming an unofficial chaplain for South Carolina's death row prisons
We could not see the guns
When the shots were fired it was very loud, very jarring
You did see a red stain on Sigmon's chest
If I couldn't have her, nobody could.
While the firing squad lays bare the extreme violence of the state taking a human life, in lethal injections the violence is done on the inside, deliberately hidden, to maintain the comforting lie that people can be executed humanely.
He's someone who is a different person than the person who caused violence 20 years ago.
My parents showed us what unconditional love was all about
As a journalist you want to ready yourself for an assignment. You research a case. You read about the subject,
I won’t forget the crack of the rifles Friday and that target disappearing. Also etched in my mind: Sigmon talking or mouthing toward his lawyer, trying to let him know he was OK before the hood went on,
I also pored over the transcript of his trial, including how prosecutors said it took less than two minutes for Sigmon to strike his ex-girlfriend’s parents nine times each in the head with a baseball bat, going back and forth between them in different rooms of their Greenville County home in 2001 until they were dead,
It’s impossible to know what to expect when you’ve never seen someone shot at close range right in front of you,
Brad's death was horrifying and violent,