Every action compels a reaction,
In the past, the US enjoyed respect from Iran whenever it was respectful in its discourse, and it was confronted whenever it adopted a threatening posture,
There are two ways to deal with Iran: through military action or by reaching an agreement. I'd rather reach an agreement because my goal isn't to harm Iran. They're wonderful people."
A country enriching at 60% is a very serious thing. Only countries making bombs are reaching this level,
Iran keeps enriching [uranium] as part of its leverage-building exercise,
There is deep distrust on both sides,
I would like a deal done with Iran on non-nuclear. I would prefer that to bombing the hell out of it,
Iran remains the only non-nuclear weapon state enriching uranium to this level, raising significant concerns over potential weapons development,
However, we do not accept a negotiation proposal that is based on intimidation and threat and basically do not consider it as a negotiation,