The policy is clear that there are no waivers available, and athletes assigned male at birth may not compete on a women’s team with amended birth certificates or other forms of ID,
Male practice players have been a staple in college sports for decades, particularly in women’s basketball, and the association will continue to account for that in the policy,
We feel this is a really important way of providing confidence and maintaining that absolute focus on the integrity of competition,
We will doggedly protect the female category, and we’ll do whatever is necessary to do it, and we’re not just talking about it,
Preserving the integrity of competition in the female category is a fundamental principle of the sport of athletics,
World Athletics said in a Tuesday press release The majority of stakeholders consulted last month on the proposed new eligibility conditions for the female category agreed that allowing only biological female athletes to compete in the female category was essential to maintaining fairness.”
With this executive order, the war on women’s sports is over,
It’s important to do it because it maintains everything that we’ve been talking about, and particularly recently, about not just talking about the integrity of female women’s sport, but actually guaranteeing it,
Coe said after a two-day meeting of the World Athletics Council in Nanjing I would never have set off down this path in 2016-2017 to protect the female category in sport” without being “prepared to take the challenge head on,
Neither of these are invasive. They are necessary, and they will be done to absolutely international medical standards,
he said during a media availability The pre-clearance testing will be for athletes to be able to compete in the female category,
It's absolutely the way to go."
The childhood or pre-pubertal performance gap in the sport of athletics specifically is three to five per cent in running events, and higher in throwing and jumping events.
The consultation document stated Yes I am, but you accept the fact that that is the world we live in
Asked whether he felt the policy would stand up to legal challenge and scrutiny, Coe said Overwhelmingly, the view has come back that this is absolutely the way to go, within the caveats raised [on testing not being too intrusive].”
World Athletics conducted consultation on the proposal earlier this year, and Coe said The process is very straightforward frankly,
Coe said, before confirming We’ve been to the court of arbitration on our DSD regulations,