The programs in nutrition and in maternal health will certainly be affected. It's definitely a worrying sign to us,
If all of this literally comes to a standstill from one day to the next, it will affect people directly,
Even if it had the money, it could not manage the logistics and take charge of the infrastructure in such a short [amount] of time to compensate for the whole thing,
We definitely know that this is the US people's taxpayers' money,
This is massive because the US is the world's largest donor of development aid,
Today was the first time in years that there was nobody in the drop-in clinics,
It was a surprise to us,
That’s what this pause is focused on: being good stewards of tax dollars,
We are in constant limbo,
Let us be self-reliant,
Countries such as China, Russia and others are very happy to move into places where the West is not so strong,
This preparation is fundamental to the humanitarian system and saves enormous amounts of lives, reduces damage and allows for better resilience,
Everyone in USAid is in a defensive crouch about how to proceed,
Fews Net is not strictly food aid, so it will need a waiver,
Tuberculosis diagnosis treatment, if that funding is cut off, it will greatly affect the program because there won’t be any diagnosis of such cases and then the medicines, people can’t afford them,
One thing we want to ascertain is that nobody must stop taking ARVs,
These are families who were anticipating they could get support. … This will stop. … There are children who are HIV-positive, and we always collaborate with their facilities to ensure that they are viral-suppressed. Now they’ll be of high viral load,
We’re likely to see much of the foreign assistance in the region understood through a migration lens,
This isn’t just a funding cut—it’s part of a rollback on LGBTQI+ rights,
The crisis is only going to worsen,