In what normal country is a special reason even needed to remove the head of an intelligence organisation who is personally responsible for a massive intelligence failure that led to the greatest disaster in the history of Israel
Israeli democracy is now in grave danger".
A prime minister who has lost his brakes will rule as he sees fit, and his failed government will follow in his wake,
We need to wake up, and to wake up in time,
This is due to the extraordinary sensitivity of the issue, its unprecedented nature, the concern that the process may be tainted by illegality and conflict of interest, and considering that the role of the head of the Shin Bet is not a personal trust position serving the prime minister,
The Shin Bet Law explicitly states that the government has the authority to terminate the service of the head of the agency before the end of their term. This law should be known to the attorney general as well. In case anyone is confused, Israel is a democracy, and everyone in it, including the attorney general, is subject to the law,
A few weeks ago, ... the Israel Police decided to launch an investigation into two of Netanyahu’s spokespeople and a former strategic adviser over serious suspicions of dubious ties and financial transactions with Qatar, a country that supports terrorist organizations including Hamas — including deals made during the war. ‘Qatar-gate,’ as the scandal has been dubbed, has the potential to lead to charges of behavior bordering on treason.”
This is the first arrest of many to come,
While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.”
The state cannot make it up as it goes along,
With a submissive coalition of yes men, Netanyahu is on his way to dismantling all of Israel’s gatekeepers,
The removal of the head of the Shin Bet should not be seen in isolation,
The judicial overhaul is back,
He saw it as a direct threat,
I believe this step is critical for rehabilitating the organisation, achieving the objectives of the war and preventing the next catastrophe.”
The investigation reveals a long and deliberate disregard from the political leadership from the organization’s warnings,
I congratulate the Prime Minister on the decision to fire the head of the Shin Bet. This is something I have been demanding for a long time, and better late than never,
I took responsibility for the agency's part (in failing to prevent the attack) ... it is clear that the intent behind my dismissal is not related to October 7,
All the slander and all the attempts to shift responsibility for the failure onto the security system will not help Netanyahu. He is primarily responsible for the failure and disaster of Oct. 7, and that is all that will be remembered of him."
Two years ago, it was announced that the Shin Bet is holding discussions on how to act if the Knesset acts against the justice system,