The RNC’s records requests are part of its comprehensive election integrity program. The RNC is working to increase transparency in our elections and stands ready to ensure transparency if stats [sic] do not comply,
To all the women that voted for Trump. His executive order today will eliminate 30% or more of you from voting. He is ordering that people show proof of citizenship. Birth certificates are not allowed, only passports and some versions of RealID. If married, you will need to legally change your name, and that costs thousands.”
Free, fair, and honest elections unmarred by fraud, errors, or suspicion are fundamental to maintaining our constitutional Republic. The right of American citizens to have their votes properly counted and tabulated, without illegal dilution, is vital to determining the rightful winner of an election."
Many citizens find it difficult to obtain government photo IDs because the necessary documentation, such as a birth certificate, is often difficult or expensive to acquire,
We're gonna do things that have been really needed for a long time,
Despite pioneering self-government, the United States now fails to enforce basic and necessary election protections employed by modern, developed nations, as well as those still developing, ... India and Brazil, for example, are tying voter identification to a biometric database, while the United States largely relies on self-attestation for citizenship."
Federal law, 52 U.S.C. 30121, prohibits foreign nationals from participating in Federal, State, or local elections by making any contributions or expenditures,
The amended guidelines and other guidance shall provide that voting systems should not use a ballot in which a vote is contained within a barcode or quick-response code in the vote counting process except where necessary to accommodate individuals with disabilities and should provide a voter-verifiable paper record to prevent fraud or mistake."
While countries like Denmark and Sweden sensibly limit mail-in voting to those unable to vote in person and do not count late-arriving votes regardless of the date of postmark, many American elections now feature mass voting by mail, many officials accepting ballots without postmarks or those received well after Election Day,
A president does not set election law and never will,
I understand that people want finality, but accuracy is of utmost importance."
Moments ago, Donald Trump signed a massive voter suppression executive order,
This would prevent only a tiny amount of noncitizen voter registration but stop millions of eligible voters, who do not have easy access to documents such as passports, from registering to vote,
We're going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted. We are going to have free and fair elections. And ideally, we go to paper ballots, same-day voting, proof of citizenship, very big, and voter ID, very simple,
At least this will go a long way toward ending it, there are other steps that we will be taking in the coming weeks, and we think we will be able to end up getting fair elections,
Donald Trump’s executive order would compromise our election systems, suppress the votes of millions of Americans, especially voters of colour, and pave the way for still more Trumpian false claims of election fraud,
This executive order is important for what it tries to do on requiring voters to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote, but it is even more important for what it means for Presidential power,
This will not stand. We will sue.”
This is a blatant attack on democracy and an authoritarian power grab,
Voters have a right to know that their states are properly maintaining voter rolls and quickly acting to clean voter registration lists by removing ineligible voters,