Moldova's Pro-EU Leader Claims Victory in Blow to Russia
NewsweekEuropean leaders breathe a sigh of relief as pro-EU candidate wins Moldova election
CNBCMoldova's pro-EU President Maia Sandu wins re-election after meddling allegations
CNAMoldova's pro-Western president wins 2nd term in runoff overshadowed by Russian meddling claims
NBC NewsMoldova's incumbent President Maia Sandu wins presidential runoff
China DailyUPDATE — Moldovan President Maia Sandu has won a second term in office, according to the country's election commission
Deutsche WelleMoldovans head to polls in major test for EU future
PoliticoMoldovans vote in tense presidential run-off amid Russian meddling claims
AljazeeraMoldova’s pro-Western president wins 2nd term in runoff overshadowed by Russian meddling claims
ABC News GoMoldovans to choose president in decisive runoff overshadowed by fraud and intimidation claims
The Independent