I think Tulsi Gabbard's role as Director of National Intelligence is going to be extremely harmful to our national security,
Given the Russian propaganda that she has espoused over the past period of time, I think she's a serious threat to our national security,
Senator, I don't pay attention to Russian propaganda. My goal is to speak the truth regardless of whether you like it or not."
I think Putin couldn't be happier,
On another important matter this morning, Senate Republicans continued to confirm President Trump's exceptionally qualified nominees most recently Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard who will be joining us later at the White House for her swearing-in ceremony. It's imperative that the remainder of the President's cabinet nominees are confirmed as quickly as possible."
Japan is among America's closest treaty allies in the Indo-Pacific, and the risk of conflict in the region is the product of Chinese aggression, not western 'threat inflation'. Russia's escalation of its unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine threatens American interests and is solely the responsibility of Vladimir Putin.”
Beginning today, the brave men and women of America's intelligence community will turn to Director Gabbard for principled leadership and sounder judgment in the service of America's interests and national security. I join all of them in hoping that she rises to the immense responsibilities of her office."
I think Senator McConnell is starting a new career and an admirable one, voting his conscience and standing strong for the civil rights and liberties of this country,
Mitch McConnell's NO vote on Tulsi Gabbard's nomination doesn't represent Kentucky—it represents the swamp. We're DONE with his political games!"
The next couple of years are going to be challenging for our national security as we face threats that grow more complicated every day. We need someone who can meet these challenges. Tulsi Gabbard is not that person."
The person that is going to be doing it needs to be someone that he (Trump) trusts and somebody that he'll listen to,
The selection of a DNI is a very big deal,
In my assessment, Tulsi Gabbard failed to demonstrate that she is prepared to assume this tremendous national trust,
The intelligence community needs to refocus on its core mission, collecting intelligence and providing unbiased analysis of that information,
The nation should not have to worry that the intelligence assessments the President receives are tainted by a Director of National Intelligence with a history of alarming lapses in judgment,
It is an insult to people who have dedicated their lives and put themselves in harm’s way to have her confirmed into this position,
I stand corrected. Senator Young will be a great ally in restoring power to the people from the vast, unelected bureaucracy.”
On the night that Russia invaded Ukraine and launched the first full-scale invasion of a sovereign nation in Europe since World War II, what was Ms. Gabbard doing?"
If these allegations are true, Mr. Patel may have perjured himself before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
Although Mr. Patel is President Trump's nominee to be FBI Director, he is still a private citizen with no role in government,