I just convinced them to come out and demonstrate,
I would not dare to ask the vice president to do anything. I would just relay to him what happened in Hong Kong when he asked me,
Above all else, the implementation rules have the potential to radically criminalize online speech in Hong Kong,
Jimmy Lai is the principal mastermind and perpetrator behind the series of riots that shook Hong Kong. He is an agent and henchman of those hostile to China,
If you save us, you can stop China's aggressions. You can also save the world,
No administration has been tougher on China than this administration."
I'm incredibly proud of what he's doing, and I think he knows that he's also doing the right thing,
With creativity and political will, you can do what might seem impossible,
Jimmy Lai is on trial in Hong Kong, but journalism is on trial in Hong Kong, too,
His case was designed to send a chill down the spine of anyone who might want to wear a T-shirt or sing a song or post a Tweet or say anything which might stand up to Hong Kong or Beijing's leaders,
His spirit is holding strong. His mind is holding strong,
It's incredibly heartbreaking that he spent the last almost four years in solitary confinement,
Taiwan is the only democracy of Chinese people, for the whole history of Chinese people.”
I always thought the advocacy of independence for Hong Kong was a conspiracy, because people just wanted us to advocate just to get us into a trap,
I was hoping that [Trump] would stop the NSL, maybe by asking China not to do it … a call to China, a call to Xi Jinping, whatever,
100 per cent, I will get him out.”
He has a lot of money, he could have left anytime, but he didn't because he felt a responsibility,
He has access to daylight through the windows in the corridor outside his cell, albeit he cannot see the sky."
The core values of Apple Daily are actually the core values of the people of Hong Kong,
The more you are in the know, the more you are free,