Snap polls reveal how speech watchers reacted to Trump's address to Congress
Fox NewsTrump earns largely positive speech reaction, but ejected Dem's behavior widely deemed inappropriate: CNN poll
Fox NewsBrit Hume: Trump address ‘most partisan speech I’ve ever heard … in this kind of setting’
The HillSnap poll shows lukewarm response to Trump’s speech - but they blasted Democrats behavior
The IndependentMost approved of Trump speech: Snap polls
The HillOver Three In Four Americans Who Watched Trump's Address To Congress Approve Of It, Poll Shows
International Business TimesDonald Trump's Congress Speech Was a Huge Hit With Americans
NewsweekAmericans give Trump an overwhelming seal of approval for his 'optimistic' and 'strong' address to Congress
Daily MailCNN poll: Trump address to Congress gets modestly positive marks, changes few minds
CNNCBS Poll: 76 Percent Approve of Trump's Address to Congress