I simply didn’t have the heart to prevent his continued use of my song in the face of so many artists withdrawing his use of their material.”
It’s sad to watch what has happened to the Village People brand,
Our Village People would never, ever perform at Trump rally,
Neither myself or any of my band mates will be performing at Trump’s rallies,
YMCA" had grossed "several million dollars since the President-elect's continued use of the song
Why did he choose a gay anthem with an Indian and an African-American police officer instead of a song like 'Born In the USA' (by Bruce Springsteen) for example?"
Let's give President Trump a chance, regardless of what you may have thought about him in the past,
We do support that we have a new president now and we should all wish him well until he gives us a reason not to. But let's give him a chance and see what he's going to do,
But you have a little special treat, ... They're slightly larger than they used to be, but that's the way it goes. We can all tell you, that's the way life goes."
This is the wildest end to a political rally I've ever seen."
You won't recognize them,
It's the people that, 30 years ago, had a hot song, never hit number one, it hit number five, but 30 years later, it hit number one, week after week. And they're here to sing,
First of all, our performances are not an indorsement of the President Elect’s policies no matter what you say to the contrary,
Since 2020, I’ve received over a thousand complaints about President Elect Trump’s use of Y.M.C.A. With that many complaints, I decided to ask the President Elect to stop using Y.M.C.A. because his use had become a nuisance to me”
However, I don’t mind that gays think of the song as their anthem,
There’s been a lot of talk, especially of late, that Y.M.C.A. is somehow a gay anthem,
We believe that music should be shared across political spectrum and not preserved for one political side,
We said, ‘My God, look at those characters,
We as a group don’t like labels, don’t like black-white, straight-gay, disco-rock & roll.”
She would have chosen the likes of John Legend and Beyonce, etc.,