The world out there isn’t waiting for us, and it isn’t waiting for long-drawn-out coalition talks and negotiations,
I have no illusions at all about what is happening from America,
I am aware of the responsibility,
Now we have the far-right - the AfD - and the fact they got such a good election result is something we cannot accept and I will never accept,
In time, we will get there,
We have seen the center is weakened overall, and everyone should look at themselves and ask whether they didn't contribute to that,
Germany has learned the hard way over the last three years that such coalitions are anything but stable and severely limit the government's ability to act,
The people of Germany got tired of the no common sense agenda, especially on energy and immigration,
These are difficult starting conditions for a new German government, which is facing Herculean tasks in domestic and foreign policy,
But now we will talk to each other,
We are now the political center and we have left the fringes behind us,
You want the opposite of what we want, so there will be no cooperation,
It won't be able to implement it with left-wing parties,
We have fundamentally different views, for example on foreign policy, on security policy, in many other areas, regarding Europe, the euro, Nato,
We- the @CDU and the @CSU have won this federal election. Thank you for the trust you have placed in us and in me. And in this context I would like to say a word of respect for our political competitors. We will now quickly fulfill our government mandate, because the world out there is not waiting for us. Nor is it waiting for long coalition talks and negotiations. We must now quickly become capable of action again,
After Donald Trump's statements in the last week it is clear that the Americans are largely indifferent to the fate of Europe,
Bayern is a wonderful role model for migration and integration. More than half of our youth players have a migration background,
The stakes could not be higher
One thing is clear: the Union has won the election,
We have become the second strongest force,