We say to Trump and the whole world: we will not leave Palestine or Gaza, no matter what happens,
We emphasise that Jordan's national security dictates that the Palestinians must remain on their land and that the Palestinian people must not be subjected to any kind of forced displacement whatsoever,
Our position has always been clear to the necessity of the Palestinian people receiving their rights, and that the two-state solution is the only path forward,
In terms of the death toll, yes, we do have confidence. But let's not forget, the official death toll given by the Ministry of Health, is deaths accounted in morgues and in hospitals, so in official facilities,
I'm happy to be back at my home,
A senior official source denied what some media outlets reported about a phone call between the Egyptian and American presidents,
I kept a fire burning all night near the kids to keep them warm... (they) slept peacefully despite the cold, but we don't have enough blankets,
As people go back to their houses, as they will start looking for their loved ones under the rubble, this casualty figure is expected to increase,
I wish he would take some (Palestinians).
We support a two-state solution, and that requires the resolution of issues about the boundaries of the Palestinian territory and the state of Israel, and we continue to support what we’ve supported for decades,
Do you know what isn't realistic? What we've been trying to do for a hundred years and haven't succeeded in: To divide the land [of Israel],
It is nonsense to do the same thing over and over again and to expect a different response every time,
We've been attempting peace, co-existence, two countries, but what we don't understand is that the other side doesn't want to live next to us,
Albania is not in the Middle East itself, and from the heart of Europe, we cannot do more than any other European country in such a matter,
They told them: You will suffer. Do you know why? Because of the Jews. Do you know what the solution to your suffering is? To return to Safed, Haifa, Acre, Jaffa,
For 76 years, they have been held in Gaza—on purpose—in poverty, in destitution, in overcrowding,
I think the relationship with President Trump will be an excellent relationship,
Do you know where this hatred comes from? For 76 years, they were kept like this, in refugee camps, with nothing. They were told that this suffering was because of the Jews. So there are more than 1.5 million people who have grown up for generations with hate for Israel and antisemitism,
That’s not my view, and that’s not the policy of the Liberal Party in Australia,
I'd like Egypt to take people,