Most of the world’s now thinking – so, what’s going happen to their relationship with America?”
Will President Trump even notice Europe? Does he see NATO as necessary? And will he respect EU institutions?”
I think Zelensky is trying to give Europe spine and they need it,
Right now, it’s not clear whether Europe will even have a seat at the table when the war against our country ends.”
Will President Trump listen to Europe, or will he negotiate with Russia and China without Europe? … Europe needs to learn how to fully take care of itself, so that the world can’t afford to ignore it.”
We can and will deal with all of this without unnecessary excitement and indignation.”
The effects of new US tariffs would be serious for the German economy,
This is a huge blow to the German government's reputation in Washington. No one from this federal government will be able to find an interlocutor in Washington any time soon,
As long as the European member states stand together, they will be respected in the world, including in the US. As long as they are divided, no one will take us seriously,
Europe is prepared. If the Americans impose tariffs, which I neither hope nor want, Europe would certainly be in a position to take countermeasures, including those that affect the American economy,
We share a lot of things with the Americans, but at the same time we must not be naive,
We are used to seeing this type of censorship under China or Cuba,
When beasts smell fear they attack (with) double
America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have — the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth and we are going to use it,
Europe applies these rules to non-EU companies to level the playing field,
The leadership of the United States is critical in mobilizing climate finance, advancing clean energy transitions, and ensuring the equitable implementation of global climate goals,
There’s a window of opportunity here to get to rational policy developments in Brussels,
We are really concerned about a bigger revamp,
By leaving the Paris Agreement, this administration has abdicated its responsibility to protect the American people and our national security,
Everyone can say what he wants, even if he is a billionaire,