We're getting the bad, hard criminals out,
This notion that Democrats are pro-open border has never been the case. I know the media will try to harp on certain activists, but but if you look at them, they have always been very supportive of border militarization."
ICE is, they're out there enforcing the law today. And of course, as I've said numerous times, they're focusing on public safety threats. That'll be our priority."
If things start to spiral out of control and the press is inundated with stories of family separations and other ways it's affecting Americans who may support those policies now, it could conceivably change their minds or at least nuance their opinions. It could backfire on the president and Republicans,
This issue tends to matter more depending on the economy,
I don’t know what will happen,
We’re trying to also spread that message that a lot of these executive orders do seem to be unconstitutional. They are not actually tangible yet,
We had been expecting some of these policies for a while, and we’ve been preparing here,
Every single person in my life I’ve been talking to about this has told me: ‘No way Christina, you’re not getting deported,
I don’t have a criminal record. I have a business, where I employ five US citizens,
The benefits of coming to the United States are enormous,
Although most people come with the intention of working, helping the city grow, and growing personally, there are many who slip through who are not good people,
The exceptions are so narrow that really only about 3% of all the people who were trying to immigrate legally last year actually got a green card and were able to become a legal permanent resident,
If you try to do [it] in a right way, you need to wait a long time. You need to pay fees,
Get them back south across the border and get the paperwork started for them if they wish to naturalize,
It's a guilty until proven innocent system. And the only way you can prove your innocence or your eligibility to immigrate is if you fall into very narrow exceptions,
When I talk to Border Patrol agents, they really want the people who are coming for peaceful reasons, for work purposes or family reunification, to apply at the consulate so we can focus on our job of securing the border against threats, criminals and other people who we want to keep out of our country,
We saw a similar drop in early 2017,
That action, as you’ve probably seen, has already started very strongly,
There is no doubt that border crossing numbers were much lower when President Trump took office than when President Biden did. The trend is noteworthy too. Border Patrol arrests were falling for a full year before Trump took office. They were rising for nearly as long prior to Biden taking office."