We need to defend it." ... The deal must be a lasting deal,
It’s an important political undertaking that binds the two countries together,
We are a backstop because we'll be over there, we'll be working in the country. That's a great thing economically for them,
About 5% of all the world's 'critical raw materials' are located in Ukraine, which occupies only 0.4 per cent of the Earth's surface,
I think there will be some alignment to this figure that Trump mentioned,
Other estimates are still confidential,
For too long, corporations have treated the American people like an endless source of profit,
We certainly shouldn't discount the importance of American business interests on the ground in Ukraine.
While government-to-government agreements can be a helpful market signal to the private sector and spur investments that may otherwise not occur, challenges with the lack of reliable reserve data to confirm economic viability, the loss of key infrastructure [during the war], and the ongoing security risks in the region jeopardize the viability of long-term minerals investments."
Even in the long-term, the success of the bilateral agreement ultimately hinges on the ability of Ukraine to attract private investment in its mineral resources. The U.S. government cannot command private companies to mine in Ukraine as China and Russia can with their state-owned enterprises."
This poses a risk for mining companies that may end up disappointed after investing millions of dollars in less-than-inspiring deposits,
It can’t be peace that rewards the aggressor,
We’re going to be signing an agreement, which will be a very big agreement,
Peace must not mean a surrender of Ukraine. It must not mean a ceasefire without guarantees. This peace must allow for Ukrainian sovereignty and allow Ukraine to negotiate with other stakeholders regarding the issues it affects,
I don’t think he’s very important to be at meetings, to be honest with you. He’s been there for three years. He makes it very hard to make deals,
We’re going to get along really well,
The minerals agreement will provide the basis for a more sustainable future relationship between the United States and Ukraine and thus stimulate the long-term prosperity that will help the Ukrainians rebuild their country,
A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left
Did I say that? I can't believe I said that."
We're working very hard to get that war brought to an end. I think we've made a lot of progress, and I think it's moving along pretty rapidly,