Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an honorable and honest person with vast subject matter knowledge and experience who values the health of the American people, and furthermore because he is willing to challenge corporate interests where they conflict with the best interests of those citizens,
We, the undersigned physicians.”
Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ” and begins with the words Kennedy can kill off access to vaccines and make millions of dollars while he does it,
An amendment to my Ethics Agreement is in process, and it provides that I will divest my interest in this litigation,
Kennedy said in a written response to the committee It’s interesting how some of his efforts have been focused on taking advantage of [and] exploiting the mistrust that some in the Black community have around vaccines and the health care system because of structural racism and medical racism,
It’s just really shocking that in the year 2025 we are still dealing with these beliefs being propagated that have been around for several centuries that have been used to justify slavery, used to justify inequitable treatment, used to justify forced sterilization,
By saying that, he was putting on one of the larger stages in health care this notion that race-based medicine should still exist, when that’s actually what many scientists recently have been trying to root out,
It echoes some of the rhetoric that [Trump] has shared around eugenics and immigrants,
In medicine, in science, we know that race is a social construct, meaning that you can’t look at someone’s genes and identify what race they are,
One thing that is also kind of strange about him [Kennedy] is he’s someone who for a long time has said that he doesn’t support vaccines,
We should not be giving Black people the same vaccine schedule that’s given to whites, because their immune system is better than ours.”
In 2021, Kennedy had said The importance of understanding the problem with the myths is that they can literally lead to regulations being written into medicine that treat populations differently just based on race,
But we need to really flag this and say this is really dangerous and really concerning,
The trust is already eroded in health care,
The comment that [Kennedy] made about the vaccine schedule, it’s basically scientific racism, which has been debunked,
Dr. Oni Blackstock, a primary care and HIV physician who is the founder and executive director of Health Justice, a racial and health equity consulting company, told HuffPost He’s really perpetuating this false belief that Black people are somehow biologically different from white people and, in that way, justifying differential and ultimately unequal treatment for Black people versus white people,
Right now, how vaccine schedules are tailored is based on things like your age, your exposure risk, if you have other chronic underlying health conditions ― but race isn’t one of them, and there isn’t research that suggests that it should be,
Joel Bervell, a recent medical graduate and medical myth-buster on social media, told HuffPost We have a track record prior to that of high rates of vaccination for our children, and they were safe. The facts speak for themselves,
If he is the messenger for anti-vaxxers, as a leader, I do not agree with him,
Fiame told the Guardian in her first public comments on Kennedy after the first day of his confirmation hearings in the US The facts remain that the two babies who died [in 2018] were through human error of the nurses. All the different actors, especially anti-vax people, got on board and suggested that the vaccination was the cause, which is complete rubbish,