There’s really no stairs from the plane wing, so they had to stand on the wing. My mom was part of that group and said they waited for a luggage conveyor belt to slide down, basically,
Hubbs saidWe’re sorry to miss it, but I just don’t want to take another flight after this, this weekend at the very least,
said HubbsAbout 10 minutes, maybe less, into the flight, the pilot let us know that the vibration was the engine failing to turn on,
Hubbs saidAs soon as the seat-belt sign came off and everyone started standing up, that’s when someone screamed, ‘Fire!’
Hubbs saidShe had to get an inhaler, but no serious damage was done, thankfully,
Hubbs saidIn at least the last 10 years, emergency slides have not been deployed on our airfield,
Ryan saidHonestly, that’s what I’m thankful for most. No one was panicking,
he addedThey were actually really impressed with him. He was just a happy baby all night,
said Hubbs, now back in the Springs (via rental car) and, as of Friday afternoon, waiting for the airline to contact him about the family’s checked luggage, and desperately needed stroller/car seatIt was pretty turbulent, but that’s what you expect between Colorado Springs and Denver,
he saidSeeing the videos that people took, the smoke from the outside looks way crazier than how much was in the cabin by the time we got out,
he saidReally I just wanted to make sure we got here safe and didn’t know if it was going to happen or not,
Friendman saidIt’s unusual to have vibrations, obviously, and particularly in light of what happened once on the ground,
said James E. Hall, former chairman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety BoardFire at Denver Airport on American Airlines! Ground crews worked fast and got it out quick. Saw passengers flee through the smoke.”
Joshua Sunberg posted on Instagram, sayingAs soon as the plane landed, we smelled this weird burning plastic smell and then everybody started screaming and saying there was a fire.”
A passenger on the plane, Gabrielle Hibbitts, told CBS News ColoradoMayday, Mayday, Mayday! Mayday! … engine fire!”
A few minutes later, the issue escalated with someone on the control audio statingAn American Airlines plane caught fire at Denver International Airport forcing passengers running. Why does it seem like airline safety is plummeting under Trump? Maybe it’s because he’s making cuts to airline safety?”
Krassenstein questionedI’m sorry, but these incidents certainly seem to be happening more following the government shakeups at the FAA and TSA. Coincidence or irresponsible government?”
He also questioned the Trump administration in a minutes earlier postAmerican Airlines flight 4012 caught fire after an engine failed.... Plane was diverted to Denver. My mom was on this flight. THANK YOU GOD that they are alive."
In her social media reveal, Cullen exclaimedI think when we look at our system fundamentally, there isn't anything wrong with the air transportation system in the U.S. That said, there are concerns and we can talk about those concerns - but generally, in 2024 we had a billion people travel by air in the U.S. Thousands of airplanes depart and land every day, with trained pilots and air traffic controllers who are doing their jobs well. But that said, there are concerns."
Dr. Shahidi commented on the state of American aviation, emphasisingAfter landing safely and taxiing to the gate at Denver International Airport (DEN), American Airlines Flight 1006 experienced an engine-related issue,
the airline said in a statement