The main thing for me was that we are not a debtor,
They see this as a way to get the Trump buy-in,
I think there will be a settlement, but as in all settlements, each party needs to come away and be able to tell their constituents they won,
Yes I do, especially if it (the deal) comes from Trump,
It's really not an issue with Ukraine,
For me and for all of us in the world, it is important that American aid is not halted. Strength is needed on the path to peace,
Nobody has asked us about this,
I think the Europeans are going to remain averse to the idea of breaking international norms on reserves and fear that Russia will then, as I think they would, seize Western governmental assets and Western private assets,
The strength of the United States is that it makes this or that decision in a centralized manner, which is then consistently implemented,
I don’t think it will be that slow,
Well, ideally, it should be Russian money,
It’s one thing to freeze assets; it’s another thing to confiscate assets,
In particular, the U.S. has huge stockpiles of weapons, they are a supplier of critically important intelligence information,
Their efforts can soften the negative effect, but will not avoid unpleasant consequences,
This is the legal struggle at the moment that’s happening in the U.S. and across EU and Western countries, and this is being constantly litigated, and it is uncertain territory. … ... I think you will find the Trump administration less favorable to seizing Russian assets, especially as it is moving to settle the conflict, and one of the primary Russian asks is the unfreezing of their assets and the removal of most of the sanctions,
I told [Ukraine] that I want the equivalent of, like, $500 billion worth of rare earth, and they’ve essentially agreed to do that.”
If it’s about peace in Ukraine and you really want me to leave my position, I am ready to do that,
The European Union was formed to screw the United States. That’s the purpose of it and they’ve done a very good job,
Our defence industry will need a number of very key raw materials in our own weapons systems, not for next year, but for the next 30 or 40 years. We have to diversify that,
Uncertainty, unpredictability, deals. Are these really the rules that the new international order should be based on?”