Not only is this crucial for our planet, it is the economic opportunity of the 21st century. Through our clean energy superpower mission this government is showing what can be done - tackling the climate crisis while creating new jobs, delivering energy security and attracting new investment into the UK."
A single year with temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial levels does not mean we’ve reached 1.5C of global warming. However, it does mean we’re getting dangerously close,
Every fraction of a degree – whether 1.4C, 1.5C, or 1.6C – brings more harm to people and ecosystems, underscoring the continued need for ambitious emissions cuts. The cost of solar and wind energy is falling rapidly and is now cheaper than fossil fuels in many countries.”
The world doesn’t need to come up with a magical solution to stop things from getting worse in 2025,
There’s now an extremely high likelihood that we will overshoot the long-term average of 1.5C in the Paris agreement limit,
Every year for the rest of your life will be one of the hottest [on] record. This, in turn, means that 2024 will end up being among the coldest years of this century. Enjoy it while it lasts.”
We are now teetering on the edge of passing the 1.5C level,
The future is in our hands — swift and decisive action can still alter the trajectory of our future climate,
We have now experienced the first taste of a 1.5C world, which has cost people and the global economy unprecedented suffering and economic costs,
It is important to emphasise that a single year of more than 1.5°C for a year does NOT mean that we have failed to meet Paris Agreement long-term temperature goals, which are measured over decades rather than an individual year
Human-induced climate change remains the primary driver of extreme air and sea surface temperatures; while other factors, such as the warming El Niño Southern Oscillation, also contributed to the unusual temperatures,
Countries have the power to bring global warming to a halt by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. This must happen as quickly as possible to give us some hope of preventing further global climate change catastrophes.”
Blazing temperatures in 2024 require trail-blazing climate action in 2025,
A year of extreme weather showed just how dangerous life is at 1.5 degrees. The Valencia floods, US hurricanes, Philippines typhoons and Amazon drought are just four disasters last year that were worsened by climate change. There are many, many more,
This means that we have likely just experienced the first calendar year with a global mean temperature of more than 1.5C above the 1850-1900 average,