Consider continuing the evolution of the 'art performance' by GOLD plating the banana and then encasing it in a very thick crystal container. Will be greater publicity and fun to watch as well."
He ate it because he didn't want the insane maintenance fee of having the artist keep coming back to replace black old bananas with a fresh one every 3 - 4 days."
I think this same artwork or one of its siblings ( I think there are 3 of these) was also eaten… I think they just replace the banana. Which is why this is dumb. You literally no longer have the original work if you own this to have to replace the banana."
Many friends asked me how this banana tasted. To be honest, for a banana with such a story, the taste is naturally different from ordinary bananas. I tasted the flavor of a Gros Michel banana from 100 years ago."
Yo Justin. According to sources, the banana get's replaced every 2-3 days and that's why it always looks yellow. So my question is, is the art officially RUINED and disconitnued or there will be a new banana taped?"
The banana skin and the tape should be eaten as well. They probably worth $3mil there."
The higher the price, the more it reinforces its original concept."
I will personally eat the banana as part of this unique artistic experience, honouring its place in both art history and popular culture,
The real value is the concept itself."
There is not any profit in selling bananas'
Art, by its nature, does not solve problems—if it did, it would be politics,
Those who bought it, what kind of people are they?
His role in this artwork is not taken lightly'
Do we really want to live in a city where we can shrug off a street vendor who’s moved to tears by the fact that he’s been made the butt of a joke involving an amount of wealth obscene to him, while celebrating some smartass for figuring out how to make $6 million from that joke?
It’s much better than other bananas,
Eating it at a press conference can also become a part of the artwork’s history,
Everyone has a banana to eat,
I am a poor man,
Most of its objects and ideas exist as (intellectual property) and on the internet, as opposed to something physical,
It’s definitely an inequality,