It is the responsibility of the Lebanese state" to exert every effort "to make Israel withdraw
We have a common strategy and we can’t always share the details of this strategy with the public
Gaza belongs to the Palestinian people, not the United States, and President Trump's call to expel Palestinians from their land is an absolute non-starter. Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the entire Muslim world have made it clear that this delusional idea is unacceptable."
I have news for you - we aren't taking over Gaza. But the media and the chattering class will focus on it for a few days and Trump will have succeeded in distracting everyone from the real story - the billionaires seizing government to steal from regular people."
President Trump is bringing peace to the Middle East, just as he promised. PROMISES KEPT."
If the Palestinian people were ever somehow forcibly expelled from Gaza, this crime against humanity would spark widespread conflict, put the final nail in the coffin of international law, and destroy what remains of our nation's international image and standing."
As long as it stands as a force that can govern or as a force that can administer or as a force that can threaten by use of violence, peace becomes impossible,
Obviously, there are details of how we're pursuing that and coordinating that we're not going to share publicly because we don't want to endanger the hostages and we don't want to endanger this process,
We agreed that the ayatollahs must not have nuclear weapons and also agreed that Iran's aggression in the region must be rolled back,
We discussed Trump’s bold vision for Gaza’s future and will work to ensure that vision becomes a reality,
Hamas cannot continue as a military or a government force... they must be eliminated,
Israel and America stand shoulder to shoulder in countering the threat of Iran,
The continuation of the conflict and broadening its scope will harm all parties without exception,
We will ensure Gaza will never again pose a threat to Israel,
President Trump and I are working in full cooperation and coordination between us. We have a common strategy,
The president has also been very bold about his view of what the future for Gaza should be. Not the same tired ideas of the past, but something that's bold and something that, frankly, took courage and vision in order to outline. And it may have shocked and surprised many, but what cannot continue is the same cycle we'll repeat over and over again and wind up in the exact same place,
The common theme in all these challenges is Iran. It is the single greatest source of instability in the region, behind every terrorist group, behind every act of violence, behind every destabilizing activity, behind everything that threatens peace and stability for the millions of people who call this region home, is Iran,
I'm committed to buying and owning Gaza,
There can never be a nuclear Iran, a nuclear Iran that could then hold itself immune from pressure and from action. That can never happen,
At any moment the fighting could resume. We hope that the calm will continue and that Egypt will pressure Israel to prevent them from restarting the war and displacing people,