Illinois jury convicts man in hate crime murder of Palestinian American boy
The Jerusalem PostIllinois landlord found guilty of stabbing Palestinian boy for being Muslim
Daily MailJury finds Illinois landlord guilty of murder, hate crime in 2023 attack on Palestinian American 6-year-old
HaaretzIllinois jury convicts man of murdering Palestinian American boy
Voice Of AmericaIllinois jury convicts man in murder of Palestinian-American boy
ReutersIllinois landlord found guilty in 2023 murder of six-year-old Palestinian boy
GuardianLandlord Found Guilty Of Murder, Hate Crime In 2023 Attack On Palestinian American Boy
HuffPostJury finds Illinois landlord guilty of murder, hate crime in 2023 attack on Palestinian American boy
CNNIllinois man convicted of murder and hate crimes in stabbing of 6-year-old Palestinian American boy
NBC NewsJury Convicts Landlord in Fatal Stabbing of Palestinian American Boy
The New York Times