Even if they come up with some kind of agreement to settle this particular tariff or to remove the countertariffs, there will probably be more tariffs on China later in this administration,
So instead, I think the Chinese reaction has been moderate in indicating that they will act tit for tat against U.S. trade,
We’ll speak to him at the appropriate time,
If one of the U.S. goals is relying less on China and Chinese supply chains for critical minerals, for energy, for other things like that, then the uncertainty about whether there’s going to be tariffs and investment restrictions on its allies fly in the face of that goal,
The current administration is nothing if not quick to vengeance, and as the WHO has recently learned it's impossible to rule anything out once President Trump or his advisers decide the U.S. has been aggrieved by a multilateral institution,
They (Washington) has always complied in the past, but we are in a new era,
For the wider Chinese economy, this is definitely manageable,
It may be a strong case, the way the WTO dispute settlement system used to work, but it has no possibility of succeeding here ultimately,
There has really been absolutely zero time for anyone to prepare for this,
We're all running around like headless chickens at this moment in time, trying to second-guess what's going to happen,
China reserves the right to raise additional measures and claims regarding the matters identified herein during the course of consultations and in any future request for the establishment of a panel,