Under Article 6.6 of the WADA Statutes, Public Authority representatives from a country which has not paid its dues are ineligible to sit on the Foundation Board or the Executive Committee,
WADA said in a statement to the Global Times addressing the US' withholding of the payment Unfortunately, the current WADA leaders left the US with no other option after failing to deliver on several very reasonable requests, such as an independent audit of WADA's operations, to achieve the transparency and accountability needed to ensure WADA is fit for purpose to protect athletes,
Now is the time to get WADA right to ensure these competitions on US soil are clean, safe and a pageantry of fair competition in which we can all have faith and confidence,
The non-payment will have no impact on the current anti-doping program in the US and USADA will continue to robustly implement its WADA Code program so that all US Olympic and Paralympic athletes' rights are protected,
As a result of WADA's failure during this sad saga that ultimately saw Russia rob hundreds of athletes from the US and other countries at the highest levels of competition, Congress passed the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act, which President Trump signed into law in 2020,
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) confirms that it did not receive the agreed contribution to WADA's 2024 budget from the Government of the United States by the deadline of 31 December 2024,
ONDCP is evaluating all our options as we continue to push WADA to adopt commonsense reforms to restore trust in the world antidoping system and provide athletes the full confidence they deserve,
Director Rahul Gupta said in a statement The US has been the highest government payer to Wada since Wada’s inception in 2000 and has been a staunch supporter of having an effective global anti-doping system to protect athletes competing at the highest levels. However, the authority to withhold payment to Wada was first put in place under the first Trump Administration in conjunction with Congress when Wada’s ineffectiveness was exposed in the Russia state-sponsored doping scheme.”