There are crucial questions that remain unanswered in the wake of this tragedy, and these must be addressed through a full and transparent internationally coordinated investigations,
Out of respect for the investigation and all involved we will not comment further at this time."
Any pollution incident can have a devastating impact on our wildlife and this is a vital time for many migratory birds as they return to our shores for the breeding season such as puffins, terns and gannets as well as marine life including seals, dolphins, fish and harbour porpoise."
The oil tanker was seemingly under a military mission and might have been found, unexpectedly, anchored in an area that is not common for ships to moor. The tanker is now visible on [a ship tracking website], but it may have also been radar silent at the time of the collision for security reasons. Only a thorough investigation will reach a final conclusion on what happened.”
Wading birds and waterfowl gather in large numbers as they move between wintering and breeding grounds, while soon Yorkshire’s iconic seabirds will be coming inshore to breed at sites like the world famous Brampton cliffs,
Aquatic organisms that come in direct contact with naturally dispersed and entrained jet fuel in the water column may be killed.”
Whether there was a foul play I think is speculation. There is no evidence to suggest that at the moment.”
It can be assumed that the watchkeepers on MV Solong were not performing their duty to ‘maintain a proper lookout by all available means’ as required by international regulations for preventing collisions at sea.”
A tow line has now successfully been put in place and a tug is holding Solong offshore in a safer position. There are still some flames visible on the main deck of the Solong and firefighting is focusing on this area. A salvage plan is being developed with the appointed salvors on scene.”
We are not equipped with firefighting equipment for this type of incident,
Environmentally, jet fuel evaporates easily and combusts quickly. Impacts may be felt mostly near the accident site, especially given today's windy conditions and dynamic wave energy which favour dispersion,
Forecasting the environmental of oil spills is extremely complex. Oil spills like the one in the North Sea are affected by multiple factors. The size of the spill, weather conditions, sea currents, water waves, wind patterns, and the type of oil involved all play crucial roles in determining environmental outcomes,
From an aquatic environment perspective, jet fuel evaporates faster and is less concerning than crude oil. But immediate acute impacts on marine organisms will still be severe,
Around Flamborough the nesting season will soon start,
This particular incident is troubling because it appears to involve persistent oil, which breaks up slowly in water,
It was either get into your life jacket or get incinerated.
I did have time to think
I am reassured to hear indications from the ship's owners which suggest the sodium cyanide containers were empty, and that efforts to confirm this by the salvors are underway
There are four empty containers that have previously contained the hazardous chemical and these containers will continue to be monitored,