What no democracy — American, German, or European — will survive is telling millions of voters that their thoughts and concerns, their aspirations, their pleas for relief are invalid or unworthy of even being considered,
Friedrich Merz must brace himself now,
We doubled our results in three years and took a major milestone yesterday!"
To justify spending towards their voters, I think for most politicians in Europe it would be helpful if the money goes to a European company,
A decent portion of additional defense spend across Europe is already priced in,
This will play nicely into the European Defense Industrial Strategy,
The comments already out of the CDU since they've claimed the election are very nationalistic, and the idea that they need to protect themselves and rely less on the U.S. feeds into the need to spend more on defense,
Europe's challenged security architecture makes it highly likely for the CDU/CSU and SPD to agree on higher defense spending in principle,
The election result is poor and I bear responsibility,
I have personally decided that I will leave the party if the SPD makes Friedrich Merz chancellor,
The ball is in Friedrich Merz's court,
I can't support that,
Given the enormous challenges, it is good for Germany as a business location that the CDU and SPD have, albeit by a slim margin, a majority,
In a grand coalition, I ultimately see a continuation of the stagnation that Germany experienced during [former chancellor] Angela Merkel's 16 years in office,
We need a stable coalition and the ability to act quickly, as deindustrialization in Germany is in full swing,
I would have expected a greater willingness to reform from a black-green coalition,
Due to demographic change, there are only two options: If we want better infrastructure, we must either work longer or finance it through debt,
The biggest challenge of all is going to be forming a stable coalition that also has the strength to cut the AfD down to size,
This is really the last warning to the political parties of the democratic centre in Germany to come to joint solutions,
We must work together to see that we solve the problems in Germany” in order to “gradually deprive this party of its breeding ground