The International Space Station recently received two resupply flights in November and is well-stocked with everything the crew needs, including food, water, clothing, and oxygen. The resupply spacecraft also carried special items for the crew to celebrate the holidays aboard the orbital platform."
In a statement in December, when Biden was still president, NASA said Elon will soon be on his way. Hopefully, all will be safe. Good luck Elon!!!
Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform, without specifying when the mission would take place The @POTUS has asked @SpaceX to bring home the 2 astronauts stranded on the @Space_Station as soon as possible. We will do so. Terrible that the Biden administration left them there so long,
Musk wrote on X late Tuesday Good luck Elon!!!
The US president added on Truth Social I have just asked Elon Musk and SpaceX to 'go get' the 2 brave astronauts who have been virtually abandoned in space by the Biden Administration. Good luck Elon!!!"
Trump made the announcement on Truth Social, writing Spaceflight is risky, even at its safest and most routine. A test flight, by nature, is neither safe, nor routine. The decision to keep Butch and Suni aboard the International Space Station and bring Boeing’s Starliner home uncrewed is the result of our commitment to safety: our core value and our North Star,
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said prior to the spacecraft’s return We have plenty of clothes. We are well fed,
I've been up here long enough right now, I've been trying to remember what it's like to walk,
she recently told students at Needham High School We knew that it would be probably a month or so, honestly,
she said of her and Wilmore's voyage