I live in constant fear for the life of my child, and feel completely helpless,
I’ve learnt to ignore it,
It’s very difficult when you live with the belief that common sense will prevail, and it doesn’t,
Will I ever be able to forgive these people? I won’t,
I get up early and think about how my son is doing in there,
I ask what food to order for him, how things are at school, how he feels. He answers, and then asks me how the elections went in Moldova, and what’s happening in the US. He always asks me to look at the news and tell him what’s going on,
Stop killing. Let’s stop the war.”
I am far from the ideology of terrorism,
I was imprisoned for seven years only for speaking out... about the fact that civilians are suffering and children are dying during the war,
Behind him are almost three years of prison cells and prison transfers, constant pressure and ruined health,
I have nothing to do with your terrorism and never have in my entire life,
The killing of prisoners of war is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and qualifies as a serious international crime,
Today, during the meeting, the representative of the Russian Federation was told that if the Russian leadership and country’s law enforcement agencies did not take action to investigate and prevent these crimes, they would be considered complicit in these crimes,