I think that Trump likes to impress other people and Elon Musk is the richest man in the world and that’s one way of showing off for Zelenskyy,
This call attracted a lot of attention for a variety of reasons,
In this case, it’s the richest man in the world who has business with government and it’s slightly different but it’s pretty in keeping with Trump’s character,
We have to protect our geniuses, we don’t have that many of them,
Oh, let me tell you, we have a new star,
There are all sorts of potential conflicts of interest. The question is whether that bothers Trump or not,
The type of cost-cutting, slash-and-burn approach that he brought to Twitter is not possible in the public sector,
The specific worry with Musk and NHTSA is that the Trump administration might influence the decisions that civil servants are making to benefit the business interests of Tesla,
The ceiling for what he could possibly get out of government contracts could be raising,
I don’t see any guardrails going up in terms of verifying the truth of information that’s already gone by the wayside since X was taken over,
They’ve appeared to have developed a very strong personal rapport,
If there is a general tariff, the price of those will skyrocket,
Tesla has the scale and scope that is unmatched,
We’ve seen lobbying efforts, we’ve seen Super Pacs, but this is a different level we’ve never seen before,
It’s impossible to imagine how much influence Elon Musk could have in this administration because there’s no precedent,
‘Conflict of interest’ seems rather quaint.”
We will land an American astronaut on Mars,
I’m for electric cars,
We will never allow public debate to be outsourced to deregulated social networks in the hands of special interests, whether American or Chinese,
Let’s hope he doesn’t do to American democracy what he did to Twitter. Democracy is a delicate treasure,