They can still be brought home. And those who did not survive deserve to be returned and buried with dignity … We must return to the ceasefire and negotiations, and secure their release. A deal is the only way to bring them all back. Please, do not let other families suffer the same fate as mine,
The reality is that this attack [in Gaza] is being used as a tool for political interests. The way [they] operate is to create this external threat and accuse those who raise their voices of being antidemocratic,
The past weeks have proven … Hamas will never return all the hostages willingly. Only massive military pressure, a complete blockade including cutting off electricity and water, and occupation of territories that will lead to Hamas’s collapse, will cause them to beg for a ceasefire and a deal that will return all the hostages together, in one stage,
We are refusing to participate in a war that neglects and will kill our hostages,
They’re alone. They don’t have any friends left, not in the White House, not in the Congress and not even on college campuses,
Why aren’t you fighting in the negotiations room? Why have you backed out of an agreement that could have brought everyone home
The Islamic Resistance [Movement], Hamas, can no longer use the ceasefire, or even the hostages, as a bargaining chip,
The hostage families demand a meeting this morning [Tuesday] with the prime minister, the defence minister and the head of the negotiating team in which [the officials] will clarify how they can guarantee that hostages won’t be affected by the military pressure and how they are planning to get them home,
Things are very different now, ... We have a new [US] administration that says, ‘Release the hostages now – or else.'
Trump has been clear: ‘Finish the job.’ The US will back anything that Israel chooses to do to achieve that end,