Last decade was Earth's hottest ever as CO2 levels reach an 800,000-year high, says UN report
The IndependentThe world has just experienced its hottest decade
CNNRecord 2024 temperatures accelerate ice loss, rise in sea levels, UN weather body says
ReutersConfirmed: 2024 was the hottest year on record in the air and the oceans
Brisbane TimesClimate change is spiralling out of control: Damning report reveals how records were smashed for greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures and sea level rise in 2024 - with consequences now 'irreversible'
Daily MailEarth’s 10 Hottest Years Have Been the Last 10
The New York TimesClimate change indicators blinking red as Earth continues to warm
AxiosEarth saw ‘spiralling weather and climate impacts’ in 2024, WMO report finds
Irish TimesWhat state is the global climate really in?
Deutsche WelleFresh evidence of global warming - as politicians question climate action
Sky News