Ukraine is the most ideal country to rebuild, considering its large territory, ample agricultural and mineral resources, population of 35 million and possibility of massive financial support from the United States and Western Europe,
While maintaining our close partnership with Ukraine and continuously looking for ways to support the country, we will do our best to become a good partner to restore its agriculture,
Starting from 2025, we will expand our presence in Ukraine,
One thing is certain — everything will be completely different under [Trump],
In a few hours, all Ukrainian media outlets and politicians will start throwing dirt at old Grandpa Joe [Biden], hoping that blessings will pour down on them
The funniest thing is that we also have those who hope to get a taste of these blessings — thinking that maybe Good Donald, with a stroke of his pen, will put an end to the special military operation, allowing them to return to their old ways, free of personal and corporate sanctions, partying with escorts in Monaco and philosophizing about the greater good,
There is a really big deficit of people. There are many demoralising factors in the news,
I think he could help [end the war] but it won't be quick and it won't necessarily be in our favour,
The town's practically destroyed, there's not much left, just the ruins of a factory,
The new president won't stop the war, no matter what he promises – 24 hours, 30, 60, 90 days,
Number 1, their military hasn’t even got to Kyiv. In three years, they couldn’t get there,
The Ukraine war is the central screw-up of Europe over the last couple of years,
Putin’s a bad guy. He’s a very bad guy. The KGB are bad guys. But I don’t stay up at night worrying about Russian influence on Europe."
If you look at NATO, I don’t think it can put together two combat divisions of Europeans that are ready to fight,
If we aren’t careful, it will turn into Trump’s Vietnam. That’s what happened to Richard Nixon. He ended up owning the war and it went down as his war not Lyndon Johnson’s,
But they’re also wary of Bannon. They appreciate he wields a lot of influence on MAGA die-hards and they don’t want to get the movement against them.”
I saw in her tremendous potential. She’s got the best skill set of any politician except for Trump on the globe. Tough, personable, smart. What happened is that once she got into office, she immediately became, not just moderated, she flipped and gave support to the central powers in Brussels, and particularly NATO, and NATO is a huge problem. She was an ardent backer of the Ukraine war,
I’m going nuts right now to make sure there’s something on Monday, an announcement. Because you have Kellogg saying it will take 100 days, the old foreign policy establishment are saying six months,
Trump’s not going to invade Greenland,
Europe has gotten away with early retirement and full health care because they don’t pay for their own defense,