We hope Panama will bear in mind the general picture of bilateral relationship and the long-term interests of both peoples, resist external interference, and make the right decision,
The United States has a treaty obligation to protect the Panama Canal if it comes under attack,
Its achievements have benefited people in countries such as Panama,
Beijing regrets Panama's decision,
China will continue to make investment in Panama if the Central American nation needs the money, and China will continue to trade with Panama,
Above all, China is operating the Panama Canal. And we didn’t give it to China. We gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back,
All of these operations, and the relationships with Panama Canal Authority … plus the technical knowledge that you get as a regular operator of the canal basically multiplies the possibilities that if you are (China) and you want to shut down the canal at a time of conflict, there are a thousand ways to do it,
Control of strategic chokepoints like the Panama Canal is probably among China’s goals,
If there’s a conflict and China tells them, do everything you can to obstruct the canal so that the US can’t engage in trade and commerce, so that the US military and naval fleet cannot get to the Indo-Pacific fast enough, they would have to do it,
American pressure is so huge,
Why are they making an important institutional statement from the entity that governs the foreign policy of the US, under the president of the US, based on a falsehood?"
I find it absurd that we would have to pay fees to transit a zone we are obligated to protect in time of conflict. Those are our expectations,
If they violate the terms of the concession or cause imminent economic harm to the country, we will act accordingly, but for now the audit is ongoing,
They're a democratically elected government. They have rules; they have laws. They're going to follow their process, but our expectations remain the same,
I totally and absolutely reject that statement yesterday,
We believe it will provide a fair and just environment for companies from all countries and regions, including China’s Hong Kong SAR,
Currently, the cooperation between China and Panama under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative is proceeding normally,
For many Panamanians, this is a settled understanding that they administrate the canal, that they’ve been running it for decades,